Why Trumponomics?

Introducing the Trumponomics Token, dedicated to draining the swamp and making economics great again! This token stands for transparency, accountability, and prosperity. Join us in restoring economic greatness and empowering the people.


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How to Buy

Create a Wallet

Grab Phantom now, free on the App Store or Google Play. For desktop, get the Chrome extension straight from Phantom's site. Managing your wallet just got simpler!

Get Solana

Ensure you have SOL in your wallet. Get SOL directly on Phantom, transfer from another wallet, or buy from an exchange and send it to your wallet.

Get Trumponomics

Connect to Raydium through your Phantom app. Paste the token address, select Trumponomics, and confirm. Sign when prompted by Phantom. Trade SOL for $Trumponomics seamlessly with zero taxes. No need to set specific slippage!